Là, Callas
performance by Yalda Younes & Gaspard Delanoë (2013)

“May the goddess come down for us. Now. May we be transformed, transfigured, by merely by having her here, before us. May she sing. May she dance. May she carry us away from our smallness, our ordinariness, our finitudes. And we shall kiss her feet. And we shall lick her legs. And we shall eat her heart. And we shall take her face. For we are godphagus. For we are starphagus. For we’ve been waiting for so long, so very long. Therefore, by grace, may the goddess dance. May she finally appear before us. Now”
- Gaspard Delanoë
Yalda Younes, incarnating a deity resurrected, Gaspard Delanoë, a TV presenter, and Marta Izquierdo Muñoz, an unidentified animal-miner-vegetal entity, illustrate with skillful derision the ambiguous relationships between audiences, media, and stars. With a subtle nod to the timeless words of Ecclesiastes, "All things are wearisome; man cannot express it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear content with hearing," the performance exposes the insatiable hunger for entertainment, as well as the accompanying cruel cycle of elevation, veneration, consumption, trashing and disposition of human-made gods.
original idea Gaspard Delanoë dramaturgy, choreography Yalda Younes performers Yalda Younes, Gaspard Delanoë, Marta Izquierdo Muñoz lighting Erik Houllier sound Pierre Boscheron, Yalda Younes dresses Mohammad Safieddine coproduction Montpellier Danse Festival, Le Quartz - Scène Nationale de Brest, Le Vivat d'Armentières with the support of DRAC Ile-de-France, Maison des Métallos duration 60 min
- Gaspard Delanoë
Yalda Younes, incarnating a deity resurrected, Gaspard Delanoë, a TV presenter, and Marta Izquierdo Muñoz, an unidentified animal-miner-vegetal entity, illustrate with skillful derision the ambiguous relationships between audiences, media, and stars. With a subtle nod to the timeless words of Ecclesiastes, "All things are wearisome; man cannot express it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear content with hearing," the performance exposes the insatiable hunger for entertainment, as well as the accompanying cruel cycle of elevation, veneration, consumption, trashing and disposition of human-made gods.
original idea Gaspard Delanoë dramaturgy, choreography Yalda Younes performers Yalda Younes, Gaspard Delanoë, Marta Izquierdo Muñoz lighting Erik Houllier sound Pierre Boscheron, Yalda Younes dresses Mohammad Safieddine coproduction Montpellier Danse Festival, Le Quartz - Scène Nationale de Brest, Le Vivat d'Armentières with the support of DRAC Ile-de-France, Maison des Métallos duration 60 min
Le Triangle, Rennes
Théâtre en Dracénie, Draguignan
Festival Vivat La Danse! Maison Folie Wazemmes, Lille
Le Quartz - Scène Nationale de Brest
Festival Montpellier Danse (CREATION)